This is the touching story of a woman who, while battling a long-term illness, found herself alone as a patient in the oncology ward at University Hospital Galway (UHG). Elohim, our dedicated contract manager, learned that she had no family in Ireland. Without hesitation, he began visiting her regularly, offering companionship and support during each of his shifts. Watch as Elohim shares his story, embodying our purpose to create healthier, safer communities today, for a better tomorrow.
Purpose in Action
WATCH: Purpose Hero – Marilyn Haddington
As our colleague, Marilyn carried out her duties at Dinnington Interchange, she noticed a man in distress and took action. What happened next revealed the true meaning of quick thinking and compassion in the face of an emergency.
LISTEN: Purpose Hero – James Wellesly Cole
On a cold January night around 11:00 p.m., James was just starting his shift when a call came in from security. A young woman, barefoot and in pyjamas, was seen wandering near the power station. As James got closer, he noticed she had visible signs of self-harm. What happened next was far from ordinary…